Over 850 Million Arabic and French speakers are not yet well served by the AI revolution. Large Language Models and speech-to-text models are not culturally aligned, and language variants as well as medical terms are required to be captured. Already English-speaking Western Health departments are able to exploit the AI revolution with Clinical Assistants, and the gap between Arab and French health services in MENA, and those the west, will rapidly increase - unless concerted effort is applied. At IAVAI we are dedicated to developing Arabic and French language Clinical Assistants to significantly increase the productivity of clinical workers - delivering better and higher quality medical services to this significant world population.

When we succeed, the lives and health and wellbeing of millions of people will be positively impacted by our work. The sick, injured and infirm will be better cared for and clinical workers will be less stressed, more confident, and able to do the work they signed up to do - patient care.